Hidden People Blog

Devlog #4: 2dcl Launch and We Delve into the Black Tree

by Fran on 2023-05-24

How quickly the weeks are passing, my goodness!

I'm a little sad because my birthday has come and gone, and with it Eurovision. We watched (once again) as the jury robbed Finland of victory. My conspiracy theory is that they wanted to knock Ireland off the top spot and make a silver lining with Abba's 50th anniversary in Sweden next year. There's no other explanation. Anyway, let's get to the important stuff...

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๐Ÿš€ 2dcl ๐Ÿš€

๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ We launched 2dcl! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

This means that we broke the curse!!

After 10 months of work and many problems along the way, we managed to launch the first version of the 2dcl prototype.

For those who are not familiar with it, 2dcl is an experiment to create a 2D client on the Decentraland open protocol.

The initial goal of the project was to prove that this was possible, and, not without stumbling, we did it. In a way, the project tested Decentraland's protocol ability to be used by someone other than the Foundation. Some things were well done, and others not so much. We would like to believe that our presence helped the original vision of Decentraland as an open metaverse become a reality.

All the information on where to download and how to start uploading content to 2dcl is at https://2dcl.org

We will see how this adventure continues, but for now we leave you with some screenshots of the reactions to the launch:

Eibriel testing his avatar maraoz enjoying the content Jasonx on fire

Laidaxai and the Black Tree

In the past few weeks, we have been getting closer and closer to the Black Tree.

๐Ÿ”Ž Exploring the Saatalek region

We have ventured into the region of dreams, Saatalek, where the enigmatic Black Tree is located. We have been analyzing testimonies related to this tree to imagine what it is like and what magical places it might have inside. Some of these places have been discovered and others have not, we still have a long way to go to fully interpret the existence of this tree that connects the sky with the earth.

Black Tree

๐Ÿ’ฌ Conversations about spirits

As a team, we have had talks about the spirits that surround the tree. The "Itagaiagawa" are beings that can help us if we allow them into our lives, and we are looking for the best way to represent how these spirits communicate with their bearer, Piogonaka, through "little stories". How would you feel if you had a voice in your head or many voices talking to you?...

๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ Experimenting with images

We have been reflecting on how to tell this dream world through images. This project has an experimental focus in that sense, as we want to use various cameras and we believe that each perspective is important.

Black Tree, zoom

๐ŸŽจConcepts and storyboards

Juliรกn, our artist, has been creating a variety of concepts and storyboards while I was in charge of writing the script. We show you some progress of this artistic collaboration.


๐ŸŒŸ nqui'i (soul)

Beyond any "magical" perception about the spirit, there is a different philosophical vision of how they conceive spiritual existence and the bonds between humans and other beings (human-non human-dead-owners of...). This leads us to a different design approach than we are used to, and we know it will take time and several tests to find the right way to tell this story. However, we do it with the certainty that our nqui'i, will eventually guide us to the right place, because before we are doing this, it already existed without our body.


Here's the summarized update! Within the next 6 weeks, we want to:

  • Publish 2dcl: We already published it!
  • Submit a new grant to continue with 2dcl: We are eager to continue progressing with 2dcl, so we are going to prepare a new grant. The idea is to outline the next steps to get closer to our vision.
  • Define and start a prototype for Laidaxai: Last week we had a full team call where we were reviewing gameplay and narrative ideas. Some decisions have already been made about which mechanics we are going to have. We are going to investigate the feasibility of using videos with transparency.
  • Present cuentitos: There has been no progress but the goal remains the same: we want to have the compiler and the runtime working. This is going to be the basis of Laidaxai's narrative runtime and possibly several games we make in the future.
  • Start streaming: We have already been given the apartment and we are in the process of setting up everything. If everything continues as we plan, I will be able to start streaming soon.
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